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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 01/05/2012

Present:        Beatrice Davis, Chairman; Jerry Dougherty IV and John Allen, Selectmen

Visitors:       Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Road Agent/Fire Chief Jay Henry, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Building Inspector Andy Chalmers, Paul Belluche, Jerry Dougherty III, Hank Benesh, Roger Chambers,

Chairman Beatrice Davis called to meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.

1.      Amend & approve minutes:

a.      Selectmen’s Meeting  - December 15, 2011  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Chairman Davis would like to add an addendum to the minutes.  She noted that at the December 15th meeting Selectman Dougherty had stated the Board had put new policy into place without any discussion.  She would like the minutes from the Selectmen’s Meeting of April 1, 2010 to be attached; highlighting the discussion about changes to the Residential and Commercial application.  Chairman Davis would like the minutes from the Selectmen’s Work Session of May 10, 2011 attached; highlighting the discussion about the application and also the minutes of the Selectmen’s Meeting of May 19, 2011 where the fee for projects under $10,000 was set at “up to” $75.  Selectman Dougherty reiterated his position that what the Board hadn’t and still hasn’t discussed is issuing permits for work under $10,000 when that work isn’t outside the footprint; Jackson’s Zoning Ordinance exempts certain types of work under $10,000; the Selectmen enacted a policy about the need for permits for work under $10,000; that’s what he is referring to and he still maintains that as being the facts.  Chairman Davis provided Selectman Dougherty with the minutes of the meetings where this was discussed.  Selectman Dougherty agrees the Selectmen changed the application but they didn’t discuss the changes or the reasons for them.  Office Administrator Falcey noted there was the opportunity for discussion at those meetings and there was none.  Selectman Dougherty countered that the Board approved the application not the policy it was going to enforce.  There was no discussion of a policy to require a permit for work under $10,000; the minutes don’t reflect what actually happened.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the discussion was that inspections would be required if the work was subject to the state building code.  Selectman Dougherty withdrew his motion to approve the minutes as amended, Selectman Allen withdrew his second.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made motion to approve the minutes of December 15, 2011, as amended, with addendum.  The motion passed unanimously.  

2.      Police Report  Chief Meyers reviewed activities since the last meeting; some items discussed were:  a complaint from a citizen about the ability to see Route 16 traffic by the bridge; that person was directed to the Board; a fire alarm went off at Mirror Lake; Officers assisted the ambulance with an elderly man who was sweating and lightheaded; the state police put out a stop vehicle alert to stop a person believed to have committed a crime in Coos; Jackson Officers were able to stop that vehicle.  A couple of Sundays ago there was a commercial filming at the Falls and someone called in a noise compliant towards the end of the day.  Officers served a search warrant on someone in town; this person was involved in a high-end ski theft ring; an arrest warrant was issued in connection with this.  There was a report of an open door at a local ski club but it appeared the door wasn’t completely latched and the wind had blown it open.  There were five false burglar alarms; a dog treed some bears and the owner couldn’t get the dog back in due to age and disability; four folks were fingerprinted for work  at the school; Officers attended a training class down at Troop E.  There was an accident near Eagle Mountain Road; a box truck drove into the bridge and left; the driver was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident.  There was a complaint of a neighbor cutting trees on the other person’s property.  Officers arrested a gentleman who took his parents’ car and was in an accident in Connecticut.  There was a 911 hang-up which was a child playing with the phone.  A report of a domestic disturbance was actually a heated argument.  In District Court the person with drugs in the car pled guilty.  A driver going eighty-eight miles an hour was arrested for reckless driving; when asked why she was driving so fast the driver said she had an appointment to get her nails done.  There was a disturbance at a motel between a guest and the management; Officers assisted the guest to find alternative lodging.  

Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(a) to discuss a personnel matter at 4:19 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The Board returned to Public Session at 4:36 p.m.  

Ordinances have been submitted for the Board to consider; one is about drinking alcohol in public places; one is about loud noise from private homes or businesses; one is about loud noises from motor vehicles or portable devices and one about fireworks and explosive devices.  When asked what the Board is being asked to do with these ordinances it was noted the Board needs to figure out what procedures it wants to implement and how these become adopted; the Board is being presented with the ordinances to consider and then the Board has the opportunity to support the ordinance or not; then a Public Hearing would be held to discuss them.  Chief Meyers noted that in his discussions with Doug he has found that there are liabilities that arise because, as a town, Jackson doesn’t have an ordinance about these things.  Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry noted the Board better plan to add to the payroll budget if it is planning to add a fireworks ordinance; there has been discussion between he and Fire Inspector Gaudreau about this; he doesn’t feel the need for it.  The Selectmen want to review the submitted ordinances and do have the authority to put ordinances like this on the warrant; the other way to put these on the warrant would be through a citizens’ petition.  Road Agent Henry would also like to note that to suggest the need for a mirror on Route 16 and Main Street by the wood bridge is crazy; there’s one across the street from his house and it changes the perception; it’s no help at all; it was reiterated that person was referred to the Selectmen but no report was made.  

3.      Highway Report  Road Agent Henry noted he’s flooded the skating rink for the first time this year; Chairman Davis noted he has to put the boards up; Road Agent Henry noted he didn’t put the boards up.  Chairman Davis asked why this was even done since Fritz Koeppel floods the rink at the Wentworth; Selectman Dougherty noted it is a good idea to have this rink as it is across from the school.  The Department has been cutting brush and is currently servicing all the fire vehicles; they’ve also painted the inside to brighten it up.  

a.      2012 Budget  Road Agent Henry reviewed his budget information.  There are a number of amounts that need to be removed as the current figures show a balance available that is incorrect.  All funds have to be gross appropriated to start with and the grants are all included in the figure.  Road Agent Henry is curious as to what his real figures are; the $10,000 in unanticipated income from FEMA is not in there because it is going to unanticipated expenses; he wishes his true operations were separated from the Block Grant and all the other things however the Selectmen can’t do that.  There was a great deal of discussion about the actual budget Road Agent Henry has to work with; his actual expenses for 2011 were $760,717.90.  These figures show funds remaining and Road Agent Henry wants to know how he could be under budget; he wondered why he put things off if he really had money to spend; he hasn’t spent any money since October 26, 2011.  Office Administrator Falcey noted there were still outstanding 2011 invoices at this time; the purpose was not to reconcile the 2011 figures but to look at the proposed 2012 budget.  Selectman Dougherty wants to know what was spent in 2011 before he can look at the 2012 budget; Office Administrator Falcey noted she could not provide a final figure today.  The interdepartmental funds that were shifted were still necessary; she had to add $38,000 to the Highway budget in order to pay FEMA bills.    

Road Agent Henry reviewed his budget noting there are a number of items he has no control over within the budget.  These are: Wages (4311.00), Fica/Medicare (4311.01), health insurance (4311.02) and pension (4311.03).  The fuel line (4311.04) is lower because the school and fire portion were taken out.  Selectman Dougherty asked if a special warrant article for the school fuel was needed; Office Administrator Falcey noted she put it into the town offices budget.; it will be discussed later; Selectman Dougherty doesn’t think that’s proper.  Communications (4311.05) includes cell phones and the internet.  Heavy equipment (4311.06) was increased by 3% to try to keep up with inflation.  Special equipment (4311.07) is up a bit; a lot of that is snow tires and cutting edges.  Road Agent Henry wants to spend $2,000 for a plasma cutter for cutting steel; he can buy it now or wait until the end of the year; it will wait.  Supplies (4311.08) is up a bit for inflation.  Training and miscellaneous expenses (4311.09) is where boots come out, training and all the stuff that doesn’t fit in other categories.  Contract hire (4311.10) wasn’t all spent because the hurricane struck before all the work was done.  The backhoe lease (4311.11) remains the same.  Utilities (4311.12)  includes the new garage and Grey’s; Sand (4312.00) has been  under budget over the past two years because he got a really good price on sand; he doesn’t want to lower the appropriation as he doesn’t know if he’ll get a discount or not.  Gravel (4312.01) is the same; that line will not include any gravel for Dundee.  Salt (4312.02) has been increased by 10%; he noted the cost of salt is going up and the recent storms have been wet stuff which makes it difficult on the hills.  Street signs & flags (4312.05) has increased for inflation.  State Highway Block Grant (4312.06) is estimated to be $33,000 for 2012 and we have $23,000 left in the special revenue fund so a total of $56,000 is available; Road Agent Henry has budgeted for $41,000.  Office Administrator Falcey noted he should budget what he thinks he will want to spend; however if he wants to use $50,000 and only budgets $41,000 then he can only spend $41,000; she suggests increasing that line to $51,000; the DRA will reduce Jackson’s budget if it doesn’t get the revenue.  All that can be spent for 2012 is the current balance of $23,000 until the town gets the money from the state.  Street Lighting (4316.00) is increased by $1,000 for inflation.  Selectman Dougherty explained the Safe Routes to Schools (4319.00) is a matching fund; the town could get $5,000 but unless it matches it for a total appropriation of $10,000 the town gets no money; these funds can only be spent on engineering; if the town isn’t going to appropriate the other $5,000 he sees no reason to put the $5,000 in.  The voters have approved spending money on the Safe Routes to Schools program but since the town isn’t appropriating the match for $10,000 total the town gets nothing; the public needs to know if they want that money they need to appropriate $10,000.  Culverts (4312.03) was overspent due to work on Dundee so he doesn’t feel the need to increase that line at all.  Highway Road Maintenance (4312.04) was $125,000 last year and he wanted to increase it by $25,000 to $150,000 to get caught up a little bit however if the Board is keeping increases at 3% then he will adjust the request for that increase to 3% ($3750).  The roads need money to fix them; he’s trying to get more stuff done but other increases are for inflation only.  Office Administrator Falcey noted Road Agent Henry would want to do a warrant article for Dundee Road.  The Board agreed to increase the line to $130,000.  Garage & Salt Shed Bond Payment (4721.01) is the bond interest and principal and is nonnegotiable; the town didn’t spend the entire bond on the garage and can use some of the leftover bond to pay down the principal but not the interest however the total needs to be gross-appropriated.  

4915X – Capital Reserve Trust Funds.  Regarding the Capital Reserve Trust Fund for Heavy Highway Equipment; Road Agent Henry noted voters are putting $25,000 a year in it; he wants folks to understand they will have to take a big whack when the grader is needed.  It was suggested the cost would be reduced if a used one could be found; Road Agent Henry noted this is an all-wheel drive grader; it’s special ordered.  The town is currently putting money aside for a new one; leaving that at $25,000 would prevent a hit on the taxes this year.  Road Agent Henry will look into long term lease-to-purchase options.  Selectman Dougherty wants to make sure the Heavy Highway Equipment Fund can be used for a lease; since this is all three to four years out there will be time to figure this out; in theory the town could dissolve this Fund and take the money to set up another Fund.  Jerry Dougherty III asked if the town could target surplus funds as a source for this since the purchase is a few years out.  It was noted the most transparent way to do this is to put it on warrant.  Road Agent Henry can’t give a specific figure on the equipment because he won’t have that until it’s time to purchase the equipment.  Jerry would like to point out that on the warrant the Capital Reserve Trust Fund for Heavy Highway Equipment was listed as being for the purpose of purchasing heavy equipment so if the town decided to use the funds for something other than a grader it could.  He asked if the Board has had the discussion yet about what they are going to do with those funds.  Selectman Dougherty noted that was a high tension item so the Board gave the voters the option to back away from the grader; the Selectmen told the voters the plan was to use the funds to buy a grader but worded the warrant to give other options to future Boards.  Road Agent Henry noted the town will be buying a truck and a grader near the same time which is why he’d like to preserve the Capital Reserve Funds for those items.  The Capital Reserve Trust Fund for State Aid Reconstruction is the same at $20,000; the State says it wants that to continue.  The Capital Reserve Trust Fund for the Highway Truck for $25,000 should be good; when we need the new truck we’ll have almost enough money.  

4916X – Expendable Trust Funds.  The Expendable Trust Fund for Bridge Repair & Maintenance will remain the same; there is $31,000 in there as of today and all the lumber is bought for the Wilson Road Bridge; it will take $10,000 – $15,000 in labor and he plans to build this during mud season.  Road Agent Henry noted these funds were needed during Hurricane Irene and he wondered how much the Board thinks he should increase this.  Selectman Dougherty noted Jackson didn’t tap into any of these funds; the Expendable Trust Fund is for routine long-term repairs, he doesn’t think mingling this in with short-term repairs is smart.  Road Agent Henry pointed out that was for bridge repair and maintenance and as an Expendable Trust it can be spent any time it’s needed; during emergency circumstances we had to use it.  Last year no one wanted to discuss this; the hurricane proved we need money to fix our bridges.  He would like to up the fund by $10,000.  The permit requirements were relaxed due to the emergency for the Mulloon Road Bridge but that won’t happen for this one; the permit alone will be $5,000; this budget request will increase from $10,000 to $20,000.  The Expendable Trust Fund for Highway Equipment has $5,000 budgeted with $11,500 in the Fund which is available to repair equipment at any time.  The fund was started for repairs to the ’99 and Road Agent Henry doesn’t see the need to put any money in it this year.  He plans to make the GMC last a little longer by putting some money in it to fix some things due to the high cost of trucks and equipment emissions issues; it is six years old and normally it would be due for replacement this year or next; because of the things we’ve done to it the GMC is functioning a lot better.  Road Agent Henry wants to rebuild a few things so they don’t have to be replaced so quickly and he may use some of the Expendable Trust Fund to do that.  The Board agreed to set this line to zero.  There is still a good warrantee on that truck; if the warranty was up he would want the Board to do something different.

Warrant Article to fix Dundee  It needs to be explained to the taxpayers that the repairs would be done over a three year period and financed at $30,000 per year for three years; it will take $50,000 in repairs and then the rest in mitigation; the idea would be to lower our maintenance costs over time too.  Road Agent Henry is curious; right now the road is not the smoothest but there is more gravel on it than before the storm so in reality it’s as good as it was before the storm hit.  Does the Board want to put money into it?  It needs gravel, we’re going to have to put some money into it; does the town anticipate any money for Dundee.  There’s $42,000 that has been processed and approved but we can’t count on it until we get it in hand; we have already spent $39,700; the total was $52,000.  Jackson used its own equipment and its own labor and that was compensated.  Selectman Dougherty would like to see the Board offset this with unreserved funds in October.  Road Agent Henry noted he could use $20,000 for gravel and another $10,000 for riprap; he’d like to see $30,000 in this but at the very least $20,000 so he can get gravel.  He noted he uses $12,000 for gravel usually for all the town roads.  If we had a catastrophe on Route 16 the only two roads out of town are Thorn Hill and Dundee; the Board is comfortable in asking to tax the people for $50,000 noting we should get $42,000 from FEMA to offset this.  If we don’t get the money from FEMA then the town would be on the hook for $50,000 but the Board could take $20,000 from the unencumbered funds so the net effect is still only $30,000.  Road Agent Henry wants to know how much the Board wants to dump into Dundee; do we keep it a backwoods scenic route or make it great.  The way Selectman Dougherty sees it, Jackson funded the repairs to Dundee from its 2011 funds.  In 2012 we are asking for money and if we appropriate $30,000 and get $42,000 then we can offset the costs for next year too; we should know by the Budget Hearing if we have the FEMA money.  If we appropriate for $50,000 and get $42,000 from FEMA then we only tax on $8,000.  The townspeople can change it at the meeting.  Jerry noted that’s a very understandable approach to this; the offset concept is easy to understand.  

Road Agent Henry explained that Maintenance to Town Property is in his budget too for $42,000; this includes the mower ($20,000); maintenance on parking lots, sealing and line-striping($4,000); the electrical box needs to be repaired at the Ball field ($1,000) and money is in there ($5,000) to replace the Christmas Tree.  Chairman Davis is working on a tree for a lower fee; Jerry noted the townsfolk could raise that in donations in three days.  

4.      Fire Report

a.      2012 Budget  Wages (4220.00) was over-spent but it was due to training and it was money well-spent; this remains the same for this year.  Fire Code Inspector Wages (4220.01) is staying the same; FICA and Medicare Expenses (4220.02) are a little higher; Gasoline/Oil (4220.06) is increased from $1500 to $3,000 as last year this was over-spent by almost $1200 and the prices aren’t going to go down.  Operating Expenses (4220.07) is increasing by $1500; Special Equipment (4220.08) remains the same.  Testing Equipment (4220.09) is being increased; we spent $5900 last year so it needs to be increased to $5900 for 2012.  Utilities (4220.10) stays the same; Hydrant Services (4290.00) remains the same; the water precinct is paid for these services.  Emergency Management Wages & Operations (4291.00) provides a bit of money for the emergency management person plus for the helicopter landing site and windsock.  Five thousand of this is a grant.  It was noted the generator that is being wired in will be a smaller one; folks need to pick what is going to be able to run as we will only get a couple of circuits.  The Board would like to be able to run the furnace and the computers/outlets in the Office.   

The Expendable Capital Reserve Fund for the Fire Truck has $158,900 in it currently; the Fire Truck will be a $400,000 investment; we need to be ready to make that purchase in three to five years.  The truck now will be mechanically fine and we could get by without replacing it but we are going to have to upgrade the truck and make sure the truck fits in the garage.  The Department also needs a backup communication system; cellphones aren’t reliable enough in an emergency; right now Fire Chief Henry is lugging a cell phone and a Motorola Radio 24/7 and something needs to be done about that.  

5.      Building Code Effectiveness Grading Results   (Report available at the town offices) Building Inspector Chalmers reviewed the report; Jackson is moving from a 10 to 5 for residential  and a6 for commercial.  The grading schedule is onerous but this was a good result; most towns fall in the 5/6 range.  The good news is there is room for improvement and the town has a certified inspector and is enforcing the model building code.  Inspector Chalmers has asked insurance folks to run the figures so the Board can see what the change could be for rates.  Selectman Dougherty noted it applies only to homes that get a Certificate of Occupancy and the Insurer has to recognize ISO.  What mechanism makes that happen; it doesn’t automatically take effect.  Inspector Chalmers noted each municipality is ranked so it becomes automatic for the home owner.  Selectman Dougherty noted not all insurance companies recognize the ISO.  Inspector Chalmers noted of the fifteen carriers that he has working knowledge of, there is not one that doesn’t recognize the ISO; the federal government recognizes the ISO.  If you have your home inspected by a certified person, you can apply for the coverage.  This pertains mostly to natural disasters.  Selectman Dougherty noted he checked with three different companies and the reduction to homeowners will be minimal as Jackson is not a high seismic or seacoast area.  What is most important is the fire rating which is a 10 and we can’t do anything about it due to the geographical area we live in.  It’s good we have a better rating but for people to expect that to result in a reduced rate isn’t a good way to sell this.  Inspector Chalmers noted this only affects owners who ask for the inspections.  The ISO report goes directly to FEMA and that will affect Jackson’s ability to get money for natural disasters.  Selectman Dougherty countered there are federal laws against that.  It was noted that Loretta Medeiros  from the Insurance Services Offices sent out an e-mail that says the report goes directly to FEMA.  Selectman Dougherty noted that Inspector Chalmers is suggesting if we don’t enforce the model building codes then FEMA won’t cover Jackson in case of a natural disaster.  Chairman Davis has put the ISO book in Selectman Dougherty’s box and Inspector Chalmers will try to get that information scanned in so Selectman Dougherty can refer to it.  Fire Chief Henry noted the ISO looks at our fire calls; if we have a fire activation at Eagle Mountain and don’t send trucks in accordance with out protocol they don’t like that; it would affect our ratings.  Selectman Dougherty noted the only thing that would improve our fire rating would be to add hydrants.  Fire Chief Henry noted Jackson got our rating down about ten years ago; we had to prove to ISO that we could get so much water to the top of Whitneys’ Hill in a certain amount of time.  Inspector Chalmers asked when the town last did an ISO for fire; no one knows but it should be done every five years.  The ISO reiterates that we don’t do it to save money; we enforce the model building code to keep people safe.  Inspector Chalmers noted it was not a lot of fun to go through that review process but it was very educational.  The ISO doesn’t just automatically show up, you have to request it.  Selectman Dougherty asked what would happen if the town adopted the amendment put forth by the planning board and was informed the town would go back to a rating of 10.  Selectman Dougherty noted the municipality can adopt its own codes. As an aside to this discussion it was noted there have been a lot of house fires in the state and there’s a heavy discussion in the town report on the new law regarding smoke detectors.   

6.      Town Office 2012 Budget  Office Administrator Falcey reviewed each line item.  Elected Officers’ Salaries (4130.00) in increased as there are four elections this year.  FICA & Medicare Expenses (4130.01), Selectmen’s expenses (4130.02) and Treasurer’s Expenses (4130.03) remain the same.  Town Clerk Office Wages (4131.00) is being reduced as the Assistant Town Clerk isn’t working as much.  $7500 was transferred to the Highway Department for FEMA work.  There will be  a separate warrant article for the Town Clerk’s salary by a reduction of 10% from last year.  FICA & Medicare Expenses (4131.01), Town Clerk/Tax Collector Expenses (4131.02) have both gone up a bit while Election & Registration Expenses (4140.00) remains the same.  Office Wages (4150.00), FICA & Medicare (4150.01), Health Insurance (4150.02) and Pension (4150.03) are all increasing to cover an additional eight hours for Administrative Assistant Cressey and her health insurance.  Selectman Dougherty doesn’t see the reason to increase Administrative Assistant Cressey’s hours; Office Administrator Falcey noted it’s because of the additional workload that wasn’t done prior to her working for the Town of Jackson that is now being done in  in 2010 and 2011; she sent out a spreadsheet on those responsibilities  the Office is doing; additionally Office Administrator Falcey noted she hasn’t been able to take her vacation time; she had to take time off in December, which wasn’t her preference due to Hurricane Irene.  Office Administrator Falcey’s department is so tight they have no time for emergencies.  Selectman Dougherty is not quite sure she’s as busy as she’s stating.  Office Administrator Falcey pointed out she acts as the town’s Welfare Agent; works with folks on applying for elderly exemptions and Veteran's Credit which was done previously by Selectmen McClave and is  now involved with the Emergency Management Plan; Selectman Dougherty doesn’t think she needs to do these things to the extent she does.  Office Administrator Falcey noted her department handles work for the Library; assist the Road Agent Henry with administrative highway work; all road complaints come to the town offices now; they provide support for elections and  the Library Trustees and the Trustees of the Trust Fund. Office Administrator Falcey and Administrative Assistant Cressey are a resource for the folks that are newly elected to work for the town.   Office Administrator Falcey noted they spend a lot of time answering phones and dealing with foot traffic; she pointed out that the office used to shut down to get work done and was told phone calls were never returned.  Selectman Dougherty noted this is adding $30,000 to the budget and that amount will only increase every year.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the eight hours will bring Administrative Assistant Cressey up to full-time; the Office used to have an Administrative Assistant who worked thirty-two hours and another person doing eight hours plus the Office Administrator at forty hours; that was a total of eighty hours of staffing a week.  The Office has been operating with seventy-two hours; she’s been running the Office with eight hours fewer than when she started; she can’t keep working like that; she needs her Assistant to be full time.  She noted she will get three weeks off next year and she can’t take the two weeks of vacation time she is entitled to now; When can she be sick?  Selectman Dougherty noted that how the town deals with Office Administrator Falcey taking time off is the town’s issue, not hers; he noted the Office used to be able to run on seventy-two hours and Office Administrator Falcey reminded him that the Office was not run correctly.  Fuel usage wasn’t being tracked; neither was Vacation or Sick time; that’s all being done now.  Chairman Davis thinks two full time employees are needed to keep the Office running right.  Selectman Dougherty noted the reason the Office is running more hours is because Office Administrator Falcey has chosen to do that; the other person was working eight hours to get filing done and that’s been completed; those forty hours were allotted to two people so the town didn’t have the added expense of insurance costs; that’s a jump this town didn’t take before Office Administrator Falcey took over.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the town has been through three Assistants; she can’t retain her part time help and if she’s spending her time training it means she can’t do her work.  Chairman Davis noted the Office now has excellent help, it’s accountable to the town, it would be in the best interest of the town if it didn’t cut its nose off to spite face here by trying to save a few thousand dollars.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Office is tracking town inventory that wasn’t being done before she came; the tax maps have to be updated every year and she can’t get to it.  Selectman Dougherty thought this was being contracting out; it was explained that the software is contracted but the work has to be done by town staff.  There were no personnel files when she started and Jackson just got audited by the IRS; 1099’s weren’t being done; and there were issues with W-2s.  Selectman Dougherty noted the town won’t be audited again in the foreseeable future and the town pays a CPA to do the audit.  Chairman Davis noted Selectman Dougherty just doesn’t know the work these women in the Office are doing.  Selectman Dougherty is aware of what they do and is comparing the workload in other towns; other towns don’t have staff like this to run their offices; he doesn’t see how Office Administrator Falcey can ask the townsfolk to pay so much more in taxes.  Office Administrator Falcey asked which specific towns he has looked at; a lot of towns the size of Jackson don’t have a library, a fire station, a police station, highway and transfer station.  Selectman Dougherty doesn’t think the additional hours or health insurance is necessary.  Chairman Davis noted he didn’t have any trouble giving that to someone at the dump who does hardly anything; Jeff was able to get insurance up there. At the very least Office Administrator Falcey would like to see employees at thirty-two hours offered health insurance; it takes years to get people up-to-speed.  Selectman Dougherty disagrees that part-time employees leave because they don’t get health insurance.  Selectman Allen noted he has spent a lot of time in his job hiring teachers only to have them leave in a year; the Office crew that Jackson has now does a bang up job; they are very efficient and work very hard.  This is a hard job; folks get stressed out and are overworked and they leave; Selectman Allen doesn’t want to spend any more money than he has to either but he feels this is a worthwhile investment; it takes too much time and effort to train new folks.  Selectman Dougherty doesn’t disagree with the efficiency and professional level in the Office, this has nothing to do with that; the files are now taken out of disarray; the previous eight hour position wasn’t to become a long term job cleaning up files.  Office Administrator Falcey pointed out that person was hired to do special projects for eight hours a week and other things in the Office weren’t getting done.  Selectman Dougherty noted one of the reasons Linda Dresch left was because she felt her work was done.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Board should go into Non-Public if Selectman Dougherty plans to go any further with that line of discussion; he is getting into personnel issues and he is putting Office Administrator Falcey in a position where she can’t talk because the Board is in Public Session.  Selectman Dougherty let that drop but noted some of the things Office Administrator Falcey is citing as having increased her workload are going away.  Office Administrator Falcey challenged him to give her a specific example; she noted the audit is done but the records still have to be maintained; the old library building has to be tracked.  Selectman Dougherty asked why that is Office Administrator Falcey’s job to do that and she noted there is fuel and electricity use; monitoring of the building; the phone system; all of these are things Jackson is spending money on now because the Library Trustees are no longer doing so.  She noted that she had sent out a spreadsheet showing all the additional mandatory work that is required to be done by  the Office.  When Selectman Dougherty said he read it she told him he couldn’t have or he wouldn’t be saying the things he’s been saying.  (Hank is out of tape).  Chairman Davis and Selectman Allen both support the additional hours for Administrative Assistant Cressey.  Telephone (4150.04) remains the same while Utilities (4150.05) went up a bit.  Supplies (4150.07) remain the same; Postage (4150.07) might go up.  Advertising (4150.08) was for the Administrative Assistant ads and she hopes not to have to spend that looking for a new assistant.  Accounting Expenses (4150.09) she has left at the same level but John Lyford in retiring so she had to solicit some quotes; the Board needs to think about what it wants to have done, she distributed a list of those who responded with quotes.  Chairman Davis thinks the town should be audited every year; the Legislature now requires all towns be audited.  Martha Benesh was acting as the Auditor in 2011 but she isn’t interested in doing this in the future and it  will be difficult  to find someone to fill that role; it has to be someone that is a resident and the  Supervisors of the Checklist are obligated to appoint the auditor if no one runs; CPA’s can’t do this; it’s against their license because the state’s requirements  doesn’t rise to the level of CPA requirements. If the Board has a layperson doing it; someone will need to help that person.  The auditor fills out a package of forms driven by the state.  Selectman Dougherty doesn’t think the town should be audited every year by a CPA; Office Administrator Falcey suggested auditing bits and pieces each year then every five years things will be in order for a CPA to do a proper auditing.  She noted a full audit every year would cost $12,000 every year.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Board needs to consider selecting a company from the list of quotes.  Selectman Dougherty pointed out that the town isn’t obligated to do any of the accounting items on the list; Selectman Allen noted not doing these things would affect Jackson’s bond rating.  Selectmen Dougherty suggested the town do a full audit at least once every ten years but every five years would be the responsible course of action.   Office Administrator Falcey suggested rotating the accounting items (MS-61, Treasurer, Vendor, MS-5, MS-9); do one every year and then the year the town chooses to do the full audit it will take less time.  The MS-5 has to be done on a yearly basis and Office Administrator Falcey noted she isn’t doing it.  The Board will put in $4,000 for auditing purposes.  While picking someone to do this is outside the budget discussion the Board does need to engage somebody; the MS-5 is due in May.    Association Dues (4150.10) has increased a bit; Computer Technology & Support (4150.11) remains the same; it includes software upgrades, website hosting, Time-Warner for internet service, the virtual town hall, Alpine web design etc.  Registry Recording (4150.12) remains the same; Minute Recording (4150.13) was brought up to $4800 but there will be no additional cost as Martha is becoming an employee to satisfy IRS regulations; Office Administrator Falcey would like to take the $4800 into town office wages; she will also adjust the FICA & Medicare line for that extra expenditure; the Board is okay with that adjustment.  Equipment Repairs & Purchases (4150.14) had $1500 transferred out of it to the Highway Department; that line remains the same.  Miscellaneous Expenses (4150.15), Payroll Processing (4150.16), Town Report Printing (4150.17) and Bank Fees (4150.18) also remain the same.  Real Estate Appraisal (4152.00) went up a bit; subject to the passage of a bill, the town may need to send out letters to allow permission for the assessor to go onto property for purposes of that assessment which is more work for the Office unless the Board wants to subcontract that out; Jason recommended an increase in case that happened.  Legal Expenses (4153.00) is anybody’s guess; she’s set that at $5,500 less than last year; $14,500 was transferred out to the Highway Department.  The town received a bill for $2000 today so the line will go over but the Board doesn’t expect the same kinds of legal expenses this year; two issues went away but are not entirely resolved and the town will accrue some expenses for that this year; the Board agrees $20,000 should be fine.  The Planning Board (4191.00) covers things like minute recording, advertisements, attorney expenses and any engineering expense to review plans is not changing; the ZBA (4193.00) has the same type of expenses come out of it and the Chair has requested that to remain the same.  Martha’s time for recording minutes will be charged to the town wages line.  Maintenance of Town Buildings (4194.00) is set at $23,500 of which $3,500.00 is a one-time expense for the cost of moving the electrical wires and removing a wall in the Tax Office; this line includes the old library building that the town has taken over its maintenance responsibility for; it includes the installation of the generator circuit for the town office building, sprinkler inspections and fire inspections.  Insurance General (4196.00) is up by $5,000, Workers Comp went up to $21,000; Property Liability is $24,000; Unemployment is $2,000, she added a bit more because it goes up every year.  Intergovernment Diesel Fuel (4197.00) is for the school buses; it’s $18,000 and will be offset by revenue from the school.   Office Administrator Falcey was able to lock-in on prices so Jackson has realized a significant savings.  Health Insurance Others is offset; this covers folks who enroll in the town health insurance plan; these folks pay for it but the town has to budget for it.  Building Inspections (4240.00) has been reduced by $8,000; even if building inspections are voted out the Building Inspector will still be enforcing Jackson’s Zoning Ordinance and setbacks.  It was noted that Building Inspector Chalmers does a lot for the town for very reasonable charges.  Septic System Review is the same at $2,000;   Debt Service (4700X) is new for this year and is set at $500.  

The Cemetery lines are being reduced; Office Administrator Falcey met with Barbara Theriault today and went over the budget.  It will cost $2,700 to maintain  Dundee and Mill Street Cemetery but services are going to be subcontracted out so there is no health insurance involved.  

Selectman Allen went to the Bartlett-Jackson Ambulance Service meeting; he noted the Service has done better on collections this year and boosting the rate helped a lot. Their budget needs will remain the same.

The Transfer Station budget information may not be relevant depending on the progress on negotiations with Bartlett.  The Wages (4324.00), FICA & Medicare (4324.01), Health Insurance (4324.02), Pension (4324.03) are just for the manager.  The Joint   Operating Account (4324.04) had $4,000 in it which was transferred to the Highway Department; Jackson doesn’t use it that often, but it has been the practice of the town to put something in there; the joint fund is very healthy.  Selectman Dougherty noted Jackson doesn’t know any of this yet, if the Agreement is done in time for the budget a lot of these items will be changed.  If the Agreement doesn’t come through in time for budget season then Jackson would have to up the wages to $60,000.  The Board has one more meeting before the budget; there may be closure on this by then; this line should be ok with $60,000.  The Board agreed to leave health insurance in at $28,088; Pension will also remain the same.  Repairs & Parts (4324.05) was put in at the same amount but the Board requested the $5,000 be zeroed out, Operating Expenses (4324.06) is a new line.  Hauling & Rental (4324.08) is increasing by $1,000.  Selectmen Dougherty doesn’t want to reduce the Tipping Fees (4324.09); Selectman Allen noted Jackson is doing a heck of a job of recycling; he thinks there’s more for income from that to reduce the fees; Office Administrator Falcey will check with Manager Edgerly before that line gets reduced.  

The Health Inspector (4411.00) line is set at $500; if someone else takes the job $500 may not be enough.  Chairman Davis will discuss this with the current health inspector.

For Health Related Social Services (4416X) nothing has been received from Children Unlimited; Northern Human Services and the White Mountain Community Health Center they made their budget requests but have not submitted petitions yet; petitions have been received from the Gibson Center and Tri-County CAP; nothing has been received from Starting Point.  If nothing comes in on those items they will be zeroed out.  

Animal Control (4419.00) remains the same as does Public Welfare (4442.00); that line was increased last year.  

Under Recreation & Parks/Bartlett Recreation Department (4520.01), Fireworks (4520.02) and Conservation Commission (4520.03) remain the same.  Public Cable TV (4520.04) is incorporated into the budget since the warrant article was approved last year.  $8000 would cover a space on Channel 3, viewing and some filming while $5,000 would provide viewing only; if the voters don’t want it then this can be reduced by $3,000.  Selectman Allen would like to see this at $5,000.  Selectman Dougherty noted folks asked the Board why it didn’t go with full coverage last year. Hank Benesh asked if that warrant will cover his filming services if it’s approved.  Office Administrator Falcey noted Hank would have to submit a bid for filming services and that is not incorporated into this figure.  Selectman Dougherty noted the $3,000 would be spent on Hank or at VV for their staff.  The fees need to be clarified; Valley Vision would be filming and if we replace their filming with someone of our own we would add dollars to pay Hank.  Selectman Dougherty would like to see the $5,000 in there for the viewing rights and then pay Hank for filming, Office Administrator Falcey noted it would be live if Hank were to do it and he also gives the town a disk of the meeting which would be available; he would provide a lot more value than having Channel 3 doing it and showing it at 3 a.m.  Hank can also get online space where he could record it online and folks could watch it anytime; most folks who have cable would be able to do that.  The Board asked to leave that line at $5,000 and leave it to the voters to increase the amount if they want to; the Board would also like to see Hank’s proposal in the budget because Public Cable TV isn’t what Hank is offering. If the line is increased to allow Valley Vision to do the filming it doesn’t allow for Hank to do it; Hank will be cheaper than $3,000; his proposal would be for $15 per hour; he’s doing it for free right now but the Selectmen have to add money in to cover Hank’s proposal.  

The Town Office Expendable Capital Reserve Fund of $3,000 is not just for Office Administrator Falcey’s office it could be for the Town Clerk and Tax Collector ; the Board approved the $3,000 amount.     

7.      Jackson ZBA: Re-hearing of Dickie Decision  The ZBA has denied the Selectmen’s request for a rehearing.  There would be no gain for anybody to pursue this but at the very least Selectman Dougherty would like the Selectmen to have an in-depth discussion with the ZBA on the decision from a procedural standpoint; based on the reasons given he doesn’t know that the ZBA knew what they were deciding at the December 21nd meeting.  The Selectmen weren’t appealing the decision; they were asking them to reopen the hearing because their decision was made on false information.  During the December 21nd meeting the ZBA didn’t consider the Selectmen’s grounds for a rehearing; they only considered the accuracy of their decision.  The Selectmen were asking for a rehearing to present facts the ZBA didn’t have at the original hearing.  While the Selectmen can appeal the decision not to grant the rehearing it was decided not to do so that this doesn’t affect the Dickies anymore.  The process needs to be clarified with the ZBA so they understand their role and the Selectmen’s role. Many of the facts they based their decision on were false.    

8.      2012 Mortgagee Search Contract  Town Clerk and Tax Collector Heidmann changed last year from Freedom Title to Jane Saunders Searches; she has found Jane’s reports more accurate and timely and she would like to remain with Jane.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to engage Jane Saunders Searches for the 2012 Mortgagee Search Contract.  The motion passed unanimously.  

9.      Withdrawal Request from Trust Funds to Trustees of Trust Fund - $28,862.92  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to release the funds to the Trustees of the Trust Fund as specified.  The motion passed unanimously.  

10.     Workers’ Compensation Notice of Compliance  This is the notice of Compliance with Workers’ Compensation Law; it will be posted on the wall.  Chairman Davis signed the document.  

11.     Invoice policy procedures: Verizon Invoice   Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to reverse the previous policy and to allow Police Chief Meyers to retain the cell phone detail with other police records in the Police Department files.  The motion passed unanimously.  

12.     Public Comment  Jerry Dougherty, III has two questions: For Hank Benesh - when Hank films the town meetings does he own the content?  Hank does own the content; he could sell sponsorships; he also has a sponsor on his website from M & M Assurance but for now that is for public use.  For the Board regarding the ZBA issue - did the Board make a motion to request a work session with them or not; the Board doesn’t think that is needed.  The Board members set up their scheduled times for January 10th elections; Selectman Dougherty will be 8a to 12p; Chairman Davis will be 12p to 5p and Selectman Allen will be 5p to 7p and stay for the count.  Town Clerk and Tax Collector Heidmann told Chairman Davis that there are supposed to be two Selectmen at all times and Chairman Davis told her it isn’t going to happen.  Hank Benesh asked if the voters decide to approve Valley Vision to come in would they allow Hank to speak at the meeting; he was informed definitely!

Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a) to discuss a personnel issue at 8:27 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

13.     Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a): B-J Transfer Station Personnel matter  

The Board returned to Public Session at 8:29 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary